Pilexol capsules useful in Inflamed piles, proctitis, analfissures, bleeding with pain and itching medical management of internal and external hemorrhoids, prevents recurrence of piles following surgical removal
Pilex Capsule offers a quick response in bleeding, irritating and itching haemorrhoids:
Generally haemorrhoids patents suffers constipation for them Pilexol acts as mild laxative.
Pileoxl capsules almost averts surgery in diverse actiology
Drug Administration:
Incase of bleeding , itching , hemorrhoids both internal and external conditions one capsule twice in a day for 5 to 10 days as maintenance course is advisable or as directed by the physician
To avoid surgery conditions 32 Capsules in 14 days is advised
for first 2 days 2-2-2
for next 2 days 1-1-1
for next 4 days 1-0-1
for next 6 days 1-0-0
Market Availability:
10x 10's strip packing and 500 s economic pack