Information about Diabet Capsules.
Ensure hyperglycemic action
- Manages glucose level with in Limit naturally
- Improves peripheral utilization of glucose and ensure better glycemic control
- Prevents diabetic related complications like neuropathy, retinopathy and male impotence
- Repairs and regenerates beta cells and pancreatic stimulation
- Relieves tiredness, fatigue and improves wellness
- Protects blood cells from oxidative stress
- Safe for long term use
Diabet capsules useful in Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) General Debility and As Adjuvant .
Diabetic Capsules Checks excess blood sugar level , excess urination, thirstiness and improves general health
Diabet capsules helps to maintain blood sugar level at normal level and stimulates pancreas functions for the regeneration of Langerhan cell (beta Cell) and promotes metabolism, Digestive system and general health Along with diet control and basic exercise practice helps to maintain good health
Composition : Each 500 mg. Capsule contains: Neerazhivu Chooranam 80%
Following Purified and Contains equal parts by weight
- Syzygium jambolanum seed (Naval vidhai)
- Vetiveria zizanioides (Vilamichur ver)
- Andropogon muricatus (Vettiver)
- Cinnamomum aromaticum (Elavam pattai)
- Anacyclus pyrethrum (Akrakaram)
- Cassia auriculata flower (Kondraipoo) /
- Cassia fistula flower (Aavaram)
- Strychnos potatorum seeds (Thetrankottai)
- Cocculus cordifolius (Seenthil Kodi)
- Gymnema sylvestre leaves (Sirukurinjan)
Abraka Parpam 20%
Drug Administration:
Starting Dose one thrice in a day and or advised by the physician,
Market Availability: 10 x 10's Blister Pack & 10x1's strip